Celebrating the night of Ragaib in the village of Zagoriche 


Regional Mufti’s Office – Shumen organized a program in the village of Zagoriche on the occasion of the sacred night of “Ragaib” on March 22. Despite of the severe winter conditions the mosque was overcrowded by the residents of Zagoriche and the surrounding villages.

In the organized program participated guest-imams from the city of Edirne, Republic of Turkey.

Guests of the event wereVedat Ahmed – Chairman of the Supreme Muslim Council, the Regional Mufti of Dobrich – Bilyal Dardzhan, the Regional Mufti of Silistra – Myuddesir Mehmed, the Deputy Provincial Mufti of Edirne and others.


In the mosque “Sherif Halil Pasha” in the city of Shumen was organized a program on the occasion of the sacred night of “Ragaib”. The program was entirely prepared by the teachers and the students from RS “Nyuvvab” in the city of Shumen and the participants in the training course for imams “Hadzhi Mustafa Chatlak”.




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