International Mother Language day was festively marked in RS “Nyuvvab”


February 21 is announced by The United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture as an International Mother Language Day. On this occasion in Religious School “Nyuvvab” in the city of Shumen was organized a festive celebration.

The official celebration of the International Mother Language Day 2018 in the religious school in Shumen included recitation of poems, performances of ilyahi. Furthermore there was officially presented the book “Gönül Sayfam” (Translated – “The pages of my soul), written by Redzheb Selahadin –student from 12th grade of “NYUVVAB” in the city of Shumen.



Among the official guests of the event were the deputy Grand Mufti Ahmet Hasan, regional muftis and lecturers in “Turkish Philology” in the University of Shumen “Konstantin Preslavski”.

In his address to the guests the director of the school Sherif Hyusnyu focused on the meaning and the importance of the International Mother Language Day. He highlighted that the values which form one nation, are religion and language, and focused on the importance of the language for the religion.


“If one lost his language, he can lose his religion, nationality and personality” – further said the Director of RS “Nyuvvab” Hyusnyu in his address to the guests.



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