One-day workshop for women was held in Sofia

On February 24, 2018 Regional Mufti’s Office – Sofia organized and held a one-day workshop. Nearly 50 women from the capital, among whom also students, took an active part in the event.

The speakers Dr. Sefer Hasanov – a lecturer at the High Islamic Institute and Emine Sechkina – a guide at the mosque in Sofia, spoke on current topics, and after each of the lectures there was a lively discussion. There were addressed the topics “Responsibility – Privilege or Obligation’ and “Empathy, Commitment and Activity”.



 Along with the workshop was also held a charity bazaar, and the funds from it will be spent for repair of one of the masajed at the mufti’s office.

The Regional Mufti’s Office – Sofia expresses heartfelt gratitude to all who took part, to the main organizer of the event Emine Sechkina and to the people who financially and morally helped to perform this good deed.


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