Meeting with imams and representatives of Muslim boards of trustees from Pazardzhik region was held in Velingrad

The first meeting for 2018 of the imams and the representatives of the Muslim boards of trustees from Pazardzhik region was held on February 25 (Sunday) in the central mosque of the town of Velingrad. Host of the working meeting was the Regional Mufti of Pazadzhik Abdullah Salih along with the team of the regional mufti’s office, and official guest was the Grand mufti of Bulgaria Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi.



 Among the issues discussed by all participants in the meeting were those about studyng “Islamic religion” in the state’s schools, as well as the organization and carrying out Qur’an courses in the settlements in the region of Regional Mufti’s Office – Pazardzhik. The participants in the working meeting analyzed the results of the held at the end of 2017 social campaign “Orphans’ Week”.

“The results show that   the raised from Regional Mufti’s Office – Pazardzhuk funds during the last year both for “Orphans” Fund and for Fund “Education”, are much more than the raised during the campaigns from the previous years” – said in his address to the imams and the chairmen of Muslim boards of trustees the Regional Mufti Salih Abdullah.

“Besides this in 2015 we began helping 18 orphans, and in the beginning of 2018 the number of the supported children without parents from the region is about 45. Among the positive results in our work is also that the subscribers for the edition of the Muslim Denomination, “Muslims” magazine for 2018 are 245 so far.” – further added Abdullah. He focused on that that all these at first glance small facts are actually symbols of great successes in the works of the mufti’s office in Pazardzhik, moreover given the fact that it is one of the small mufti’s offices in the country.

Author: L. Chausheva

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