Regional Mufti Beyhan Mehmed held a meeting with the members of RMC – Kardzhali


      The chaired by the Regional Mufti of Kardzhali Beyhan Mehmed the Regional Muslim Council (RMC) held its first meeting for 2018. It took place on February 19 in the premises of the mufti’s office of the town of Kardzhali.

The working meeting began with recitation of verses from the Qur’an by Sezer Sadulov. Then the Regional Mufti informed the participants about the main topics to be discussed during the meeting. A report was delivered on the campaign in support of orphans “Orphans’ Week”.  

There were discussed the activities foreseen for the month of Ramadan 2018. Beyhan Mehmed informed the members of the Council about the SMC decision to announce 2018 as “Year of the young family”, as well as about the established committee at it which to define the key points in its activity. With regard to this there also were proposals on behalf of the members of RMC – Kadzhali.

There was focused on the idea the preaches and the religious talks in the mosques to be led by qualified employees of the Denomination. The Regional Mufti included in the agenda also the organized the Grand Mufti’s Office campaign Umrah 2018 and the opportunities for education of the young people.

At the end of the meeting the Regional Mufti of Kardzhali gave all participant gifts – calendars and books, editions of Grand mufti’s Office and of Regional Mufti’s Office – Kardzhali.


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