The Supreme Muslim Council held its first for year 2018 meeting 



In the beginning of the third year of its five-year mandate the Supreme Muslim Council (SMC) which is the central collective managing body of the Muslim Denomination held its first meeting for year 2018. It took place on January 31 in the town of Hisarya, Plovdiv region.

The meeting was held in the spirit of reporting the performed activity during the past year 2017. In the stocktaking of the work of the Supreme Muslim Council its Chairman Vedat S. Ahmed said that the past year was not easy for the entire Denomination, including for the Supreme Muslim Council.

“The political and the financial circumstances inevitably affected our work. But despite of this the thought that the difficulties are accompanied by opportunities we purposefully followed the preliminary set by us path. We have approved the good practices from the previous years but we also initiated new activities”, said Ahmed. He also highlighted that “looking back he remember the words “transparency”, “democracy”, “responsibility”, “activity” and “broad thinking”. And exactly through their prism he presented his report for the activity of the Council during the past year saying that he continues to believe that these are the necessary things which will get back on is feet the Muslim Denomination and will lead it ahead.

In the comprehensive annual report was highlighted the importance of the activity of the committees at the Council and their expertise. Especially was focused on that one which is engaged with the management of the waqf property and is the most active committee due to which Vedat S. Ahmed greeted its members.

With regard to the control functions of the Supreme Muslim Council there was reported that the collective body encourages and provides opportunities for self-control, besides that it monitors the work of the structures and conducts investigations when is seized by concerned members of the Muslim community.


At the end of his report the Chairman with a critical note wised that the Council to begin the discussion and finding solution also for the difficult questions that concern the future of the Muslim Denomination.

After the comprehensive report on the activity of the Supreme Muslim Council the chairmen and the seventeen standing and temporary committees and control bodies at the Council also presented reports in the work done in 2017. And after them every member of the Council reported on his work.


After the reporting part the meeting continued with the administrative and financial issues related to the organization of the religious activity.

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