With qurban was paid tribute to the victims in Hitrino




Photo: BNR

On December 17 one year after the explosion of the tanks at the railway station in Hitrino, the population in the village in Shumen region gathered to pay tribute to the victims of the tragedy in which died 7 people and 29 were injured.

There were performed rituals according to the Islamic and Christian customs by the Regional Mufti of Shumen Mesut Mehmedov and the Metropolitan of Varna and Veliki Preslav Joan. But because Christians are now fasting the Metropolitan Joan performed the ritual with fish.

After a year from the tragedy the rebuilding of the homes of the victims still continues. There were given the keys for the newly built homes for the victims.

The Regional Mufti Mesut Mehmedov said: “This tragedy once again showed us that people can be united and compassionate to the pain of the others. I am grateful to everyone who helped the people from Hitrino.”

Yuzlem Tefikova


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