38 Muslims successfully completed their training for imams


Official ceremony on the graduation of the this year’s graduates of the training schools for imams in Shumen and in the village of Ustina, Plovdiv region was held On December, 18 (Monday), 2017. The graduated imams from class 2017 are from different parts of Bulgaria and are 38 people in total. They all gathered at the celebration for their graduation in the emblematic for Haskovo “Charshi mosque”.

Official guests of the celebration in Haskovo were the Grand Mufti of the Muslims in the Republic of Bulgaria Dr. Mustafa Adzhi, the Deputy Grand mufti of Bulgaria Ahmed Hasanov, the social affairs attaché at the Embassy of Turkey in Bulgaria Ulvi Ata, the religious affairs attaché at the consulate of the Republic of Turkey in Plovdiv Metin Akbaş, the Provincial Mufti of the city of Edirne, as well as by many of the regional muftis in Bulgaria.

During the celebration was read mawlid and the official guests delivered their welcoming speeches to the participants. In their addresses to the graduating imams they expressed their most sincere wishes for their successful realization. The imams were given also the certificates for the successfully completed training.

Specialized training schools for preparation of imams most often are organized at several places in the country. The training course is 9 months and is carried out according to an approved from Grand Mufti’s Office of the Muslims in the Republic of Bulgaria program, and includes an in-depth study of different Islamic disciplines. The imams who complete this training have the opportunity to work as imams or as employees in the system of the Muslim Denomination in Bulgaria.

Currently runs the campaign for recruitment of candidates for imams for the new training course in Ustina – for year 2018. The deadline for application is December 31, 2017.

More information you can find HERE

Author: L. Chausheva


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