The reconstructed mosque in the village of Borimechkovo was officially opened with a festive program

Regional Mufti’s Office – Pazardzhik organized a program on the occasion of the opening of the reconstructed mosque in the village of Borimechkovo, Municipality of Lesichovo.

Guests of the event were the Grand Mufti of the Republic of Bulgaria Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi, Vedat Sabri Ahmed – Chairman of the Supreme Muslim Council, Selim Mehmed, former Grand Mufti of the Republic of Bulgaria, Emrullah Üzüm – Provincial Mufti of Edirne, Dr. Ulvi Ata –Social Affairs Councilor at the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey, the Consul General of Turkey in the city of Plovdiv Hüseyin Ergani, Metin Akbaş – Social Affairs Councilor at the Consulate of the Republic of Turkey in the city of Plovdiv. The official opening was also attended by the regional muftis of Pazardzhik and Haskovo, as well as by many guests from the country and from abroad.

The event began with recitation of Qur’an- i Kerim and continued with performance of ilyahi by the group at the mufti’s office in Edirne and by the group at the school for imams of Grand Mufti’s Office in the village of Ustina.

After the welcoming addresses and the speeches of the guests the program was closed with dua (supplication).


The Friday prayer was led by the Grand Mufti of the Republic of Bulgaria Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi. And after Jumu'ah prayer there was a festive lunch for all guests.


Петъчната празнична молитва беше водена от главния мюфтия на Република България д-р Мустафа Хаджи. А след джума намаз за всички гости беше приготвен празничен обяд.  


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