Meeting with orphans from Pazardzhik region took place within Orphans’ Week


In the framework of Orphans’ Week 2017 the team of Social Department at Grand Mufti’s Office visited Velingrad where on December 3, (Sunday) in the central mosque of the town was held a meeting with the orphans from the region,  supported by the Muslim Denomination. The initiative and the organization of the meeting were of Regional Mufti’s office – Pazardzhik.

It was attended by all orphans who are in the list of the supported ones by the Denomination and were accompanied by their mothers or guardians. They met with the Deputy Grand Mufti of Bulgaria Birali Myumyun, the Regional Mufti of Pazardzhik Abdullah Salih, the expert at Irshad Department at the mufti’s office in Pazardzhik Mustafa Tuna, the expert at Social Department Bahri Izet and Neyzi Karachobanov, official at the Department of Media and Culture.

In his welcoming address to the children without parents the host Abdullah Salih recalled the narration in which the Prophet (pbuh) said that the Jannah (Paradise) lies under the feet of the mothers and called upon the orphans to obey their mothers, not to contradict them, etc. The guest from Sofia, the Deputy Grand Mufti Birali Birali recalled that Allah (s.t.) test the orphans and their mothers, but this in the same time is a test for our entire society. That is why he called everyone to be committed to the test of the families where Allah deprived of the presence of one or the two parents.

During the meeting held was also done a reporting summary related to the expenditures in “Orphans” Fund for year 2017. The expert Bahri Izet highlighted that the funds, raised within the Orphans; Week will be spent entirely and only for the needs of the supported by the Muslim Denomination orphans. He also reminded that the funds which are raised within the campaign in 2017 will be spent during the coming year 2018, and depending on that if the raised amount will allow the number of the supported orphans could be increased.

Before leaving all children were delighted by the organizers and the guests from Sofia with gifts that included clothes, picnic bags, food products and sweets, provided by the kind cooperation of donors from the country.

For all participants in the meeting the organizers from Regional Mufti’s Office – Pazardzhik provided also lunch.

The team of Social Department expresses its sincere gratitude to everyone who helped to hold this meeting.



Author: L. Chausheva






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