Regional Mufti’s Office – Sofia started “Orphans’ Week” with a workshop 


Regional Mufti’s Office – Sofia held a workshop for the campaign “Orphans’ Week’ on November 26. The campaign is organized for fifth consecutive year by “Social” Department at Grand Mufti’s Office.

At the workshop were delivered two lectures. The Regional Mufti of Sofia Mustafa Izbishtali spoke on the topic about the “Responsibility of the community towards orphans”. The Regional Mufti answered the questions: What is responsibility from Islamic point of view? What is community? And who is an orphan according to the Islamic religion?

“The Muslim is responsible to all people no matter if they are Muslims or non-Muslims” said Mustafa Izbishtali.

In his lecture “Orphans – the measure of the society” Dr. Ahmed Lyutov emphasized on the spiritual support which orphans need, even more than the material one.

“We are responsible also for their spiritual, not only for the material development. The responsibility is for the entire community. We have to listen to them and morally to support them”, said Dr. Lyutov.

According to Dr. Ahmed Lyutov “When mercy in one community is missing this community is doomed”.

“Orphaned children have to live among us, in the society. Going away from them we go away from ourselves”, also shared Mustafa Izbishtali.


After the workshop Regional Mufti’s Office organized charity bazaar where were raised 500 leva for “Orphans” fund at Grand Mufti’s Office.



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