Reporting statement: Income and expenses of “Orphans” Fund for year 2017


Significant part of the incomes for “Orphans” Fund is raised within the annual charity campaign “Orphans’ Week”. Furthermore incomes in this unit come from the money boxes of the year-round gatherings in the regional mufti’s offices in the country. Each of the twenty regional mufti’s offices in Bulgaria opens four times a year (or every quarter) the mentioned money boxes and the funds from them are submitted to the treasuryof Grand Mufti’s Office. The incomes form the charity postcards which are being sold by Grand Mufti’s Office, also go to “Orphans” Fund.

With the increase of the received applications for support from the orphans in the different regional mufti’s offices and with the decision of the Committee on Social Activities regarding the incomes raised during the all year, the number of the supported children is also increased.

In the beginning of year 2017 with the decision of the Committee on Social Activities (CSA) the number of the supported orphans reached 225 and for the second quarter of the year they became 226. Due to the fact that the received incomes in “Orphans” Fund for the recent two quarters increased the team of “Social” Department decided to increase the number of the supported children and currently it exceeds 262 children.


Statement on the money received in the Fund:


Remainder of year 2016 – 3 660.00 lv.

Orphans’ Week 2016 - 118 388.00 lv.

Private donors - 12 243.99 lv. until 01.02.2017

First quarter of year 2017 - 6 491.95 lv.

Second quarter - 6 491.95 lv.

Third quarter – 4 373.00 lv.

Private donors - 3 061.00 lv.

Incomes form similar organizations – 8 952.03 lv.


TOTAL INCOMES FOR YEAR 2017 - 154 423.45 lv.


Statement on the expenses of “Orphans” Fund for year 2017


Expenses for the four quarters of the year in total - 146 250.00 lv.

First quarter – 33 750.00 lv.

Second quarter – 33 900.00 lv.

Third quarter  – 39 300.00 lv.

Fourth quarter – 39 300.00 lv.


     Expenditures for the preparation of the campaign – about 4 293.56 leva


 TOTAL EXPENSES FOR YEAR 2017 -  150 543.56 lv.

  REMAINING - 3 879.89 lv.

 REMARK: The funds that will be raised within the charity campaign “Orphans’ Week 2017” will be spent for the orphans during the coming year 2018.

It is important to note that the funds which come in “Orphans” Fund whether if they are from the annual charity campaign or from the regularly received donation throughout the year are spent solely and exclusively for the projects for supporting orphans.

We sincerely thank everyone who is committed to the campaigns organized by us! May Allah accept the good deeds of everyone!


Social Department



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