Imams from Sliven region met for a regular meeting for November

On November 23, (Thursday) 2017 Regional Mufti’s Office – Sliven held its regular meeting for November with the imams from the region.

It was opened by the Regional Mufti of Sliven Akif Akifov, who recited part of the Holy Qur’an.

The participants in the meeting discussed important and current issues from the activity of the Muslim Denomination and in particular – from the work of the regional mufti’s office in Sliven. There were discussed issued related to the preparation and holding the social campaign, launched by Grand Mufti’s Office – Orphans’ Week. It will be held in the entire country within the period from November 27 to December 1 this year. The imams received informational materials which to facilitate the promotion of the campaign as well as to help in their personal preparation for the participation in the initiative.

There was also addressed the topic for holding the subscription campaign for “Muslims” magazine for year 2018.

All participants took an active part in the meeting and expressed readiness to show the same activity in the upcoming events.


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