Muslim school for training of imams in the village of Ustina announces its admission for year 2018.

We offer professional training to everyone who wants to work as imam and we work with the approved from Grand Mufti's Office of the Republic of Bulgaria program. Our graduates have high professional fulfillment after completing the training by being appointed as imams or employees of the Muslim Denomination.

The training period is 9 months during which the participants in the course study in-depth the Islamic disciplines following regular form of training by providing them free of charge full-board in the village of Ustina.

Application documents:

1. Criminal record

2. Medical certificate for mental health

Deadline for application: 31.12.2017.

Remark: Those who would like to train int he school have to get in contact with the regional mufti's office in the settlements.

For more information: 087 750 6071




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