Regional Mufti’s Office – Blagoevgrad  helped an elderly woman who remained homeless after a fire


On 11th of August, 2017 an elderly woman from the village of Beslen in Hadzhidimovo region, remained homeless after a fire entirely burned her house to the ground.

With regard to this, the Regional Mufti of Blagoevgrad Aydan Mohamed and representatives of the Regional Mufti’s Office visited the unfortunate elderly Muslim woman on 15th of September this year after the Friday prayer. They gave her financial aid. The aim of the benefactors was to help the woman to be able to meet at least some of her most urgent needs.

The elderly woman from the family of Chapkanovi in the village of Beslen, Municipality of Hadzhidimovo, lives alone in the village. The younger from her family work abroad. The flames of the fire began from the fire of the stove in the house where the woman heated milk in the evening before sleeping. The fire quickly engulfed the entire house. Before the firefighters arrive youths from the village tried to fight the blazing fire with water hoses. Unfortunately without success. Nothing remained from the house. Fortunately, the elderly woman woke up and managed to get out of the burning house in time so that she was physically unharmed.

If there are people who would like to help the unfortunate family from the village of Beslen, they can get in contact with Regional Mufti’s Office - Blagoevgrad.

Let’s not forget what is reported from Abu Hurayra (r.a.) that the Prophet (pbuh) said:

“Whoever removes from a Believer a hardship from the hardships of this life (the dunya), Allah (God) will remove from him a hardship from the hardships of the Day of Judgment. And whoever makes a difficult affair easy, Allah will make things easy for him in this life and the Hereafter…”

Author L. Chausheva





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