Muslims in Jerusalem rejoice: Israel remove the majority of security facilities at the entrances of Al-Aqsa


After the persistent protests of the Muslims in Jerusalem to remove all security measures imposed during the last two weeks in the Old City and at the entrances of Masjid AL-Aqsa, Israel decided to remove not only the metal detectors, but also the majority of the security facilities.

Om 25th of July the authorities in Israel decided to remove the metal detectors at the entrances of Haram Al- Sharif. Despite of this the Muslims in Jerusalem continued to protest and a day later during the night of 26th and 27th of July the Israeli authorities began to remove and transport also the metal railings from the entrances of  Al-Aqsa, as well as the metal bridges with cameras.

Nearly 40 000 Palestinians went out on the streets of Jerusalem the same night with takbeer and joyful cry, in expectation all security measures at the access to the sacred Al-Aqsa to be terminated in behalf of Israel and the access to the temple to be as it was before 14th of July this year. This was the main demand during the all two-week protest on behalf of the Palestinians, which was expressed in refusing to enter Masjid Al-Aqsa during the unprecedented intensified control on behalf of Israel.

The Muslims expect in the morning of 27th of July a special commission for Masjid Al-Aqsa to present its report for the condition of the sacred place after the escalated tensions two weeks ago and the attempt of the Israeli authorities to impose new regime of control and access to Al-Aqsa.  It is expected after that to be decided is and when the Muslims will enter the third most sacred for them place for worshipping. 




Author: L. Chausehva

Photos: AFP




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