Israel removes metal detectors at Al-Aqsa entrances: Muslims continue the protests


On 25th of July (Tuesday) early in the morning the Security Cabinet of the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decided to remove the metal detectors at the entrances of Masjid Al-Aqsa. Instead of that, the authorities in Israel are planning to introduce other, less obtrusive security measures.

Despite of that decision of the Cabinet the Muslims in Jerusalem continue their protest performing their prayers in front of the entrances and the walls of Al-Aqsa in the Old City of Jerusalem. According to them the decision to dismantle the metal detectors is only an ostensible retreat on behalf of Israel. According to information of Shehab News Agency, the corridors of metal barriers in front of the entrances of Masjid Al-Aqsa remain so far, as well as the video surveillance cameras at the entrances of the Old City. Additional cameras are installed at the entrances of the Old City and at those of Masjid Al-Aqsa.

After announcing the decision for dismantling of the metal detectors, on Tuesday the Muslim leaders at an extraordinary meeting came to the strong position that Muslims will not enter Masjid Al-Aqsa until all special security measures against them are not terminated. This is reported by Informational Agency Shehab News. The demands of the Muslims in Jerusalem to Israel is the access to the mosque again to be the same as it was before the first escalation of tensions from the middle of July this year. Furthermore from a Palestinian side is formed a commission to enter the complex Masjid Al-Aqsa and to find the changes done from the middle of July till now – if there are control devices installed on its territory and where they are.

While everything this is happening, the tension in Jerusalem remains serious. When there is overcrowding on the streets of the Old City at the times for the prayers of the Muslims the Israeli security services use gas and noise bombs. Every passed day the number of the arrested Palestinians among whom there are also children, increases, report the local informational agencies.

We would like to recall that the tensions in Jerusalem escalated when in the middle of July, after a clash between Israeli police officer and three Palestinians, which took away 5 lives in total. As soon as that happened, Israel introduced also exceptional and unprecedented security measures for the access of the Muslims to Masjid Al-Aqsa.



Author: L. Chausheva



Снимки: Mahmoud Illean/ The Jerusalem Post


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