Opinion of the Fatwa Committee


The Fatwa Committee at the Supreme Muslim Council at its session held on 3rdof May, 2017 in Sofia issued the following opinion:


1. How the time for Sahur is determined?



ThetimeforimsakisFajral-Sadiq(فجرالصادق). ItisdeterminedonthebasisofahadithoftheProphet (pbuh) inwhichissaidthatonecaneatuntilheheartheadhanofBilal (r.a.), andnottheadhanofAbdullahbinUmmuMaktum, whichwasearlieron. Theappearanceofthetruedawn(فجرالصادق ) isthetimelimitwiththecomingofwhichisforbiddentoeatandisallowedtoperformtheFajrprayer. It is not right to eat after hearing the adhan. The times in the takwims (calendars) of Grand Mufti’s Office are calculated on this basis. I.e. when the time of imsak comes, shown in the takwims, sahur must be stopped and begins the fast (sawm).



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