Commission on the preparation of new scholastic curricula held a meeting


Within the period 10th – 12th of February, 2017 was held the fourth meeting of the Commission on the preparation of new scholastic curricula for the Muslim religious schools in Bulgaria.

In the meeting took part the Deputy Grand Mufti Ahmed Hasanov, the Deputy Rector of the High Islamic Institute (HII) Dr. Akif Topuz, the Head of the Educational Department at Grand Mufti’s Office Hyusein Karamolla, the  Head of “Irshad” Department Halil Hodzhov, the directors and the teachers in religious disciplines from the religious schools, as well as lecturers from HII.

The Commission set priority objectives and works hard for the preparation of the new scholastic curricula, consistent with the new Law on school and pre-school education. In this aspect the team prepares projects according to the new requirements for the different subjects as Qur’an-i Kerim, Fiqh, Sira, Hadith and Akhlaq, Aqidah, Tafsir, History of religions. For this purpose were considered and discussed in details issues related to the number of the classes and the draft-programs for the educational content and the thematic division.

It is foreseen to complete the work on the draft-programs for division of the entire educational content which will be studied. After that it will be proceeded to preparation of the relevant textbooks.

Department of Education at Grand Mufti’s Office thanks all participants for their dedication and the diligence in this difficult task. It makes a dua (supplication) to Allah to ease the team in the official initiatives so that to achieve more-effective and quality education what the Muslims in Bulgaria deserve.

Department of Education



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