Muslim women from Ribnovo and Valkosel organized a meeting of familiarization
On 12th of February, 2017 the heads of the Qur’an courses in the village of Ribnovo and the village of Valkosel organized a joint meeting of familiarization between the women from the two villages in Blagoevgrad region. The event took place in the mosque of the village of Ribnovo which was not enough big to gather all guests and hosts of the first of this kind female meeting. Along with the nice moments and experiences were organized also two lectures in the first of which the teacher from the Qur’an course in the village of Ribnovo Fikrie Avdikova explained the benefits of making blessing (salawat) to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and the importance to practice this in the daily life of the Muslims.
For the second lecture was invited the Regional Mufti of Blagoevgrad Aydan Muhammed. As a prolongation of the first topic he focused on the practical follow of the sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh) and gave examples from his blessed life that is a model to be followed by all Muslims. The Regional Mufti turned with an instruction when one makes salawat to the Prophet (pbuh) this to be not only just a combination of words but to reminds us for the desire of each of us to introduce the example and the sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh) in practice in his life.
The Mufti took the opportunity through the participating Muslim women to thank all from Blagoevgrad region for their active participation in the organized by Grand Mufti’s Office campaigns “Week of Islamic Education” and “Orphans’ week” in which the Muslims showed their commitment to the entire Muslim community in Bulgaria.
The meeting ended with a dua (supplication) and wishes it to set the beginning of more frequent such gatherings in order further to strengthen the relations between the Muslim women and to consolidate the proper place of the women as pillars of the Muslim society.