Regional Mufti’s Office – Kardzhali held a meeting with imams from the region
The second for the year meeting with the imams from the region of Kardzhali was held on 9th of February (Thursday) in the central mosque of the town of Kardzhali. It was organized by Regional Mufti’s Office – Kardzhali.
The working meeting began with recitation of the Qur’an by the imam of the village of Dobromirtsi – Syuleyman Hadzhaveli. After that the Regional Mufti Beyhan Mehmed welcomed all participants and informed them about the agenda of the meeting. Within the meeting was taken stock of some campaigns held by Grand Mufti’s Office. Among them were the initiatives for supporting the victims from the village of Hitrino, for raising funds for the training school for imams in the village of Ustina, and the campaign related to the petition against the restriction of the religious rights of the Muslims.
Once again were discussed the official duties of the clergymen where the Regional Mufti appealed for greater responsibility and efficiency in their activities. The coming of the three sacred months was also discussed and the role of the imams related to this. There were addressed also topics related to the upcoming campaigns for recruitment of candidates for Hajj and Umrah during year 2017.
In front of the participants of the meeting the Deputy Regional Mufti reported on the results of the subscription campaign for “Muslims” magazine. In connection with this the Regional Mufti rewarded the imam from the village of Dobromirtsi for the achieved results – he managed to make 21 subscriptions for the magazine in total for people from his settlement. He was given a special gift – sarık and djubbe.
During the meeting held in Kardzhali were addressed also the topics related to the upcoming summer Qur’an courses and the consumption of halal products in the educational centers.
The event ended with a dua (supplication) for health and prosperity.