Second revised edition of “Dear Beloved Son - Ayyuhal Walad!” has been published

The book is one of the most popular works of the medieval thinker, theologian, philosopher and mutasawwif (mystic) – Abu Ḥamid Muḥammad Muḥammad al-Ghazali, also known as “Hujjat al-Islam”.

Al-Ghazali is one of the most prominent Muslim scholars, born near the city of Tus (today Iran). He lived from 450/1058 till 505/1111. He was still young when his father died and together with his brother – the famous Sufi Ahmad al-Ghazali (died in 520/1126) and several sisters orphaned. But before his father died he entrusted to his close friend the care for his children. So this deeply religious and good-natured man several years took care about their education and upbringing.

That his work is a result of the longstanding desire of the person towards practicality in the use of the obtained knowledge. Man seeks towards a short, synthesized message which to be always in front of his eyes and never to forget it.

The instructions are presented in a superior and consistent logical sequence; they gradually penetrate into the mind of the reader. They are presented as basic inextricably linked with each other foundations.

In their basis is the trust in Allah which is inextricably linked with the process of purification and rising in front of Him, which everyone wishing to reach the high levels of Jannah (Paradise) seeks.

The first edition of the book was published in year 2004.


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