Council of the Religious Leaders:


The Council of the Religious Leaders is one of the supreme bodies of the Muslim Denomination that includes all grand muftis and chairmen of the Supreme Muslim Council, who led the religious affairs of the Muslim community in Bulgaria after year 1990. The Council meets very rare and in its powers is to discuss issues of a great and crucial importance for the Muslims.

Realizing its serious responsibility the Council of the Religious Leaders held its first meeting on 26th of July, 2016. It was attended by the grand muftis Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi, Fikri Sali, Selim Mehmed and the chairmen of the Supreme Muslim Council Vedat. S. Ahmed, Hyusein Karamolla, Ridvan Kadyov and Basri Pehlivan. The only item on the agenda was to discuss the bills which are in the agenda of the National Assembly aiming to restrict the right of religious, guaranteed by the Constitution and the international law.

The members of the Council unanimously stated that the unity of the Muslim community in Bulgaria is its most precious treasure; they appreciate this very high and will make efforts for its preservation in the future. Unity of the Muslims is a strong factor for building of a united, secure, and peaceful society in our country. This is an important achievement for our country which must be appreciated, preserved and developed, especially in the present global situation and in the atmosphere of difficult international and inter-ethnic processes in the Balkans, Europe and the Middle East.

 In a moment when a number of attempts for strengthening the national security provoke respect, the fight against the radical acts of different people and thoughts have an important place in the actions of almost all countries, of course also in Bulgaria must be undertaken certain measures in accordance with the situation in the country – without ignoring and without exaggerating what is happening and what could happen.

But in order to be effective this must to be done in one balanced and expert manner, where on one hand are strengthened the factors which could be a barrier to the threat for the national security and radicalization, and on other hand to be undertaken certain restrictive measures.

In the foreground should appear convincing, cultivation, and not prohibition and banning. Because prohibitions and banning do not terminate what is harmful but give it an opportunity to develop in other environment and in other way, even much better.

The members of the Council of the Religious Leaders, considering this reality, expressed the anxiety and the concern related to the bill for restricting and prohibiting Muslim clothing which is a divine prescription as well as the bills for amendments to the Law on Religious Denominations and the Penal Code. Because a major part of the proposals for legislative amendments are attempts for restricting of rights that are guaranteed by the Constitution and the international legislation for defending human rights. The Council do believe that the undertaken legislative steps will not contribute to the security and the peace of the Bulgarian society, on the contrary, they will impel certain individuals towards unauthorized performance of certain activities, because the nature do not tolerate emptiness, and every action creates reaction. In these difficult times for our country and the region is necessary a dialogue between the institutions and a realistic approach in solving the problems, and not acting according to the emotions, even and the ignited feelings. Because extremes cannot be cured with extremes.

The grand muftis and the chairmen of the Supreme Muslim Council who led the Muslim community during the recent 25 years, call upon the Bulgarian society not to give way to extremes no matter from where and from whom they come, and the statesmen and the politicians to act more tolerantly, more dialogically, and wiser and not to ignore the Muslim community and its religious, educational and social institutions, because they have given a lot for what we today are very often proud of.

From the Council of the Religious Leaders was expressed their desire in a shortest time to raise these serious questions and to express their fears and concerns to the state institutions, asking for a meeting with the President, the Chairwoman of the National Assembly and the Prime Minister.

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