Statement of condemnation of the Supreme Muslim Council of the Muslim Denomination in the Republic of Bulgaria on the occasion of the terrorist attack in Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray, France, adopted at the meeting, held on 27th of July, 2016 in Sofia

The Supreme Muslim Council strongly condemns the attack towards the Christian church in Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray and the brutal murder of the priest committed on 26th of July, 2016.

Human life is inviolable good and in this sense the cruel assault towards the old priest Jacques Hamel is a strongly condemnable and unacceptable criminal act.

We do not accept the arbitrarily demonstration of violence seemingly backed up with religious motives. The fact that the aggression is directed towards a priest even more afflicts us, because this is a kind of an act of desecration of religious beliefs and sacred things, which we strongly condemn. Islamic religion prohibits even during times of war killing priests, innocent and old people.

Religion must not be turned into a tool for aggression and terrorist attacks towards innocent people. It is a civilization model which is a diametral of the criminal behavior and the global terrorism. Terror is the evil against which we all must unite our efforts.

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