President of Diyanet of Turkey greeted the Grand Mufti for his re-election on this position

“It is a great pleasure for me to learn about your re-election on the position of a Grand Mufti, and also about the election of a Chairman of the Supreme Muslim Council and its members at the National Muslim Conference on 24th of January this year with the convincing vote of more than 900 delegates” wrote Prof. Dr. Mehmet Görmez, President of the Presidency on Religious Affairs of the Republic of Turkey (Diyanet) in a special greeting address to the Grand Mufti Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi on the occasion of his re-election on the position.

On 24th of January in Sofia was held a National Muslim Conference which elected for its religious leader Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi and for Chairman of the Supreme Muslim Council Vedat S. Ahmed.

“I hope that in this new period of five years we will further develop our traditionally good cooperation which we have established over the years. I do believe that this will contribute to the good relations between our countries and our two institutions in service of the Muslim community”, further wrote Prof. Görmez.

According to him this would also be a good occasion for a qualitative better impetus in the development of the religious affairs and strengthening the brotherly relations.

“I would like to take the opportunity once again to greet you for your re-election on this position with the categorically united will of the Muslim community in Bulgaria. I ask the Almighty to bestow on you and on all employees in the system of the Muslim Denomination success and prosperity”, said in his letter the President of the Presidency on Religious Affairs of the Republic of Turkey.

According to him this choice with the permission of Allah will lead to bringing the Muslim community in Bulgaria together, in effective unity and brotherhood in the Islamic religion.

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