Grand Mufti: Let’s be united, strong and alive

“It is a privilege for us to be together today. Indeed to be at one table, to be next to each other, is most important for us. This was the tradition of our ancestor which we are called today to renew. They often reminded us to be united, strong and alive.” This said the Grand Mufti Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi during the official dinner on the occasion of the month of Muharram in honor of the representatives of the Alevi community in the country who are part of the Muslim religion.
The religious leader recalled about the time when a guiding tendency was becoming estranged religion and separation of the Muslims.
“We thank the Almighty Allah for helping us to overcome these problems. The fact that we are here together is a clear sign that the self-seeking ambitions did not find place. We can calmly state that we do not have such problems and this gives us strength to go forward together”, said the Grand Mufti.
According to him this is a historical moment because there has not been such an event until now, but this is one beginning which he hopes to continue in the future. During the month of Muharram happened many important events. Some of them happy but unfortunately there are also sad. In this month was killed the grandson of the Prophet (pbuh), the honored Husayn.
“We ask the Almighty to bestow His mercy on us and not to put us in a situation of confrontation and political intrigues, so that we can be always so together and united”, emphasized the Grand Mufti.
According to him the Muslims are one whole and they must not divide for any reason. Their religion is one, their book is one, their language is one, and it is natural to have differences between people, this is not a cause for disunity.
“I would like personally to greet you, on behalf of the country which I represent and on behalf of my whole nation, for what you managed to preserve over the years despite of the difficulties which you experienced”, said in his speech the ambassador of the Republic of Turkey in Sofia HE Süleyman Gökçe.
According to him the fact that the representatives of the Alevi community have remained on these lands as representatives of the Muslim community is something wonderful. He expressed hope that the joint friendship and cooperation will continue to develop in this direction of union.
The representatives of the Alevi community in their turn thanked for the kind hospitality in Grand Mufti’s Office and expressed their belief that Muslims are stronger and more useful for the society in which they live when they are united.

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