Grand Mufti accompanied by regional muftis visited the Monastery of Klisura
“The good relations between the two general religions in our country are a guarantee that there is no confrontation between the religious leaders, they are always together, help each other and respect each other. We have to make so that our religion to be on its rightful place in the society”, said the Grand Mufti during his visit in the Monastery of Klisura “"St. Cyril and St. Methodius”.
The religious leader of the Muslims, accompanied by the regional muftis from the entire country visited the Christian religious monastery and His Reverence Archimandrite Antim, coadjutor of Bishopric of Vidin. The visit is a part of the official visit of the religious leader in Vidin region. According to him the religious education in schools is of a great importance. It is necessary to make targeted efforts in this direction what actually do the two denominations. The achievement of this aim will be beneficial not only for the religious people but for the society as a whole.
“Together with the representatives of the Islamic denomination we live in a brotherly strip, peace and understanding, and in order to have this it is necessary to have the nobility of the human factor”, said in his welcoming speech H.R. Archimandrite Antim.
According to him in the face of the Regional Mufti Nedzhati Alya they have a man who is a defender of peace and the Islamic faith which deep down is also one good religion pushing the people to good, peace and understanding. There is nothing by chance everything happens with the benevolent providence of the Almighty, but we live in troubled times when we have to give good witness to the world and to the people.
“What does the Almighty want from us? Whether to be people or to depersonalize in ourselves the image of the divine because I think that the Islamic wisdom says the following: “If a dog bites you and you bite it is there a difference between you two, no”. Rather whatever differences there are we have to search what unites us, what brings us together, because the differences are also from the Almighty, in order to test us”, said the religious preceptor of the Monastery of Klisura.
According to him we have to communicate in the spirit of the universal human values, peace and love between people. We have to recall that the religious man does not live only for himself but for his neighbor.
Archimandrite Antim reminded that the Bulgarian Orthodox Church and Grand Mufti’s Office have to unite their efforts for studying the subject religion in schools so that the Christian and the Muslim children to be able to study their religion. Because only the religious morality can best shape one person as a normal person, a member of the society.
During his visit the Grand Mufti and the accompanying him delegation visited the mosques in Montana and Belogradchik. They met there with the local Muslim communities and listened their wishes. The local Muslims shared about the difficulties which they face in the care for the temples and asked Grand Mufti’s office for help.
The Grand Mufti promised to treat with priority their requests and to help then according to the possibilities of the budget of the Denomination.