Bishop Dometian: We are one nation, different faiths
“Vidin has always been a model for mutual understanding. With this neighborliness we further testify that we live in peace. Man is endowed with mind, emotions and will in order to be able to become perfect and brings light. We are one nation, different faiths, but whoever is born on this land and bred by it is very close with us”, said the Bishop of Vidin Dometian during his meeting with the Grand Mufti Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi.
The Grand Mufti, accompanied by the regional muftis from the whole country, visited the Bishopric of Vidin in the framework of his visit in Vidin district.
“I am sure that Vidin is an example for the entire Bulgaria, and even for the world, because everywhere we have good relations between Muslims and Christians but in Vidin the communication between the bishopric and the mufti’s office is on an entirely different level”, said the Grand Mufti Dr, Mustafa Hadzhi.
According to him this fact gives its reflection also on the relations of the two communities in the region. The behavior of the civil society is entirely different from what we have seen in other regions.
“I remember one nice saying from my father which says: „Pazara parasız, mezara imansız, Allah göstermesin” (meaning that “May Allah keep us from being without money at the market, without faith in the grave”). I often use this saying in front of people who have to understand that one feels inconvenient and unpleasant when he goes to the market without money, but to lay in the grave one day without belief, without hope is even worse”, said the Bishop of Vidin.
According to him the mission of the religious denominations is to make people better, and they will be better to themselves, to their families, to the society, to the country, to the humanity, when they have in mind that we are children of the Almighty. One day we will return to Him and we will not bring anything with us there except our good deeds.
“I am happy that we are together on different occasions and I do believe that this is a testimony in front of the world for a good example of how we have to use time and live with each other in cooperation, for the good of the people and the country”, further said Bishop Dometian.
The Bishop believes that it is necessary to forget about everything bad which is past, and to remember only the good especially nowadays when we are in best relations with our neighbors.
“The good relations with the church on central and local level for us are a source for great pride, dignity and honor. Not in vain we always stress that we have a real opportunity to be example for tolerance and understanding to the world”, said the Grand Mufti.
According to him people cannot be other but brothers, they cannot be other but neighbors and they cannot be other but good partners. He hopes that people will take example from this neighborliness and mutual help because the survival of the mankind is possible only with love, understanding and tolerance.
“On the background of what happens in a world scale we have a great need of this to be together and to understand each other”, further added the religious leader of the Muslims.
In the framework of his visit in Vidin district the Grand Mufti visited the Monastery of Klisura “St. Cyril and St. Methodius”, the Regional Governor Momchil Stankov, the newly elected mayor Eng. Ognyan Tsenkov was a host of an official lunch in honor of Bishop Dometian, and went sightseeing in the Old city.