Students from the religious school in Shumen visited Muslim temples in the city

The teacher Dzhelil Dzhelil and the students from IX class at SRS “Nyuvvab” – Shumen visited the three mosques in the city – examples of the Islamic architecture – the mosque “Hadzhi Ahmed”, “Rafat Pasha” and “Sherif Halil Pasha”. The tour of the Muslim temples took place on 28th of October, 2015. During the visits in the mosques the students were informed in details and expert from Mr. Dzhelil Dzhelil about the sacred places in the area of the medieval temples: mihrab, minber, kyursyu and others. The explanations made about the internal architecture and ornamentation of the temples were useful for the students so that they can strictly adhere to the necessary hygiene and regularly observe the canons of the Islamic religion.

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