“Week of mosques” marked with a lecture in Ardino

Deputy Grand Mufti of the Muslims in Bulgaria Birali Myumyun delivered a lecture in Ardino on the topic “Place of suspicions in man’s behavior” in the framework of the Week of mosques. The event was organized on the initiative of the Deputy Regional Mufti Erhan Redzheb with the assistance of the local Muslim Boards of Trustees.
The lecture was attended by the reelected mayor of the municipality of Ardino Resmi Murad, the Mayor of Momchilgrad Akif Akif, the Regional Mufti Beyhan Mehmed, the representative of the former Municipal Council Sezgin Bayryam. There were also the imams of Ardino and Byal Izvor – Orhan Yakub and Arslan Hayrula.
“It is an honor for me to be part of one organization which aims to popularize and extend our knowledge about religion. The management of the municipality has always been in a good partnership with the Muslim Boards of Trustees in the region and the results show these our good relations. I hope that in the future with our good cooperation we will help our mosques, masjids and religious homes”, said in his welcoming speech Resmi Murad.
The Deputy Grand Mufti Birali Myumyun represented by multimedia presentation religious formulations of the holy Qur’an which treats this individual and social disease. He gave direct guidelines for overcoming this big test. He said that in order not to fall in suspicion one should move among believers, who are less experienced with suspicions. To check for the authenticity of the information which reached them.

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