Representatives of Grand Mufti’s Office participated in international educational forum in Russia

The International Theoretical and Practical Conference for the problems of the Islamic education was held in the Republic of Bashkortostan, which is a part of the Russian Federation. It took place in the capital city of Ufa on 22nd – 23rd of October. The forum under the title “Ideals and values of Islam in the educational space of XXI century” was organized in cooperation with Central Muslim Spiritual Board of Russia (CMSBR), The Bashkir State Pedagogical University “M. Akmulla”, The Russian Islamic University of CSBMR in Ufa and the international Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO). Participants and guests of the event were about 300 scientists, religious leaders and representatives of the state institutions from the Russian federation, Baltic States, Spain Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Bulgaria, Jordan, Morocco, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and others.
At the invitation of the Grand Mufti of CMSBR Talgat Tajuddin Grand Mufti’s Office of Bulgaria was represented at the event by the Deputy Grand Mufti Vedat S. Ahmed and the Regional Mufti of Dobrich Bilyal Dardzhan.
The first day of the forum which took place in the Congress hall of the National Assembly of Bashkortostan, was held with delivering of welcoming speeches and presentation of introductory reports by authoritative scientists, representatives of the state authorities and senior religious representatives from the different countries.
The main focus in the speeches was put on the necessity of modernization of the teaching methods, review and harmonization of the programs for Islamic education, establishment of more active interaction between the religious and the educational institutions, provision of the necessary conditions for proper presentation of the Islamic religion in order to prevent over interpretations of the last divine religion – Islam, sent for the benefit of humanity. It was also emphasized on the importance of respecting of the erudition in the religious – educational field.
On the first day a welcoming speech was also delivered by the Deputy Grand Mufti Vedat S. Ahmed. He greeted the attendees on behalf of Grand Mufti’s Office of the Muslims in Bulgaria and called for closer relations between the Muslims in Bulgaria and Russia who have many common things – past, language, religious beliefs, etc.
During the conference the Grand Mufti Shaykh al-Islam T. Tajuddin announced a nice new that in the city of Bulgar a month ago was opened Russian Islamic Academy for preparation of masters and doctoral students in the field of the Islamic sciences. He also said that with the support of the Mufti’s Office of Istanbul in the city of Ufa is built educational complex with 6000 m² area for the needs of the Russian Islamic University in the city of Ufa and in addition to this the Bashkir government has assigned a place for construction of a Muslim religious educational center for 2000 people which already is in the design stage.
The second day of the conference was held in “Holiday Inn” hotel where in the framework of several sections were discussed from a scientific and practical aspect topics such as “Status and prospects of Islamic education in the world”, “Concept for modern Islamic education in Russia and improving the quality of the native Muslim education”, “Role of spiritual and moral values of Islam in the multicultural society”, “Inter-institutional and inter-confessional consent as one of the main principles of traditional Islam”, “Interaction and strengthening the positive cooperation of Muslim religious organizations, cultural centers and societies in the Eurasian space”, “State-Islamic relations in poli-confessional society”, “Role of women in strengthening the family and the upbringing of young generation in Islam”, “Upbringing of youth and the development of volunteering in accordance with Muslim traditions”.
After the end of the conference the guests had the opportunity to perform the Friday prayer in the historical Old mosque in the city of Ufa, to visit the Central Muslim Spiritual Board of Russia, to enjoy the wonderful performances of religious songs from students and to visit the Islamic University.

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