The blind becomes almond eyed when he dies”

„The blind becomes almond eyed when he dies” said the wise Bulgarian. (Meaning that people will attribute unrealistically good qualities to a person once he dies)
Some information in “Trud” newspaper from 07.08.2015 reminded me about this proverb. The newspaper informs its readers that the Municipality of Razgrad and the police are currently checking unauthorized intrusion and repair in “Ibrahim Pasha” Mosque in the city. This mosque, which is the third largest on the Balkan Peninsula, is included in the catalogue of UNESCO. Due to this reason it is not allowed to be repaired just like this. With the same arguments were rejected a number of proposals from the Arab countries and from the Muslims charity organizations for its restoration.
If the mosque is a cultural monument the country should repair it under the supervision of the UNESCO. But the Bulgarian chairman of this humanitarian international organization did not find time to visit this Muslim shrine all ten years.
The unique “Ibrahim Pasha” mosque in the center of Razgrad from the 15th century, more than 50 years it is a cultural monument and exists in the registers of UNESCO as a jewel in the necklace of Bulgaria and the Balkans. But it is consistently destroyed in front the eyes of the Municipality of Razgrad and the police (communistic and democratic) and today it turned into a haunt of the urban drug addicts.
Today both the police and the municipality are mobilized because one noble naive person, amateur from Dulovo, probably for the soul of his parents, has undertaken a private repair works in order to save what could be saved from the remnants of this magnificent architectural creation from the Middle Ages. I am convinced that this naive person after a thorough check of the specialized committee will appear to be either a representative of the Islamic fundamentalists or an agent of ISIL.
“Ibrahim Pasha” Mosque in Razgrad is so big and great that no amateurs, no matter how rich they are, and no matter good intentions they have, cannot revive it. This can be done, of course if they want, only the Bulgarian state with the help of UNESCO, and the Muslim countries.
We are waiting for the reaction of the Bulgarian state in terms of the fate of “Ibrahim Paha” mosque in the capital of the Deliorman (Ludogorie).
Author: Dr. Ismail Dzhambazov.

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