Grand Mufti offered his condolences to the President for the loss of his first-born son

”On behalf of all Bulgarian Muslims and on my own behalf I offer our most sincere condolences for the sad death of your first-born son Filip”, wrote the Grand Mufti Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi in his letter of condolences to the President Rosen Plevneliev on the occasion of the sudden death of his first-born son Filip Plevneliev.
“I would like to ask you to accept my condolences and to forward it to your family as well as my wishes for strong patience and respect to the will of the Almighty. We share your pain and we pray the He will give rest of the soul of Filip and to give you strong will”, further wrote the Grand Mufti. According to his words children are the most sacred gift from the Creator for their parents. They bring with them immense happiness, but also a test which parents should overcome with patience.
“Dear Mr. President, dear family, I would like to ask you to accept the assurance of my great respects to you. I ask the Almighty to protect and support you!”, said the religious leader.

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