A few days ago the management of Religious School – Momchilgrad in the person of the Director Ahmed Bozov and the Deputy Director Nurettin Chakar officially received another donation for the newly established at the educational institution library “Akif Atakan”. It was made by the Muslim Board of Trustees – hamlet Trampovska in the village of Chepintsi and includes dozens of old books and manuscripts in Arabic and Ottoman languages, stored for years in the Muslim religious temple in the village on the Rhodopes. The donation from the Muslim Board of Trustees was made with the assistance and through the mediation of the teacher from Religious School – Momchilgrad Sami Fazliyski.
“Since most of the books are very old, during the different historical periods they have been hidden, including underground, we hope that with the assistance of the “Diyanet” they will be examined by an expert and will go through the necessary processing.” – the Director of the school in Momchilgrad Ahmed Bozov commented on the received donation.
He said that the library “Akif Atakan” was establisehd at the educational institution in Momchilgrad in the beginning of 2020. It is named after the local teacher and enlightener from Momchilgrad Akif Atakan, who passed away in 2019. But the recent three decades, since the beginning of the democracy in our country, Atakan devoted himself exactly to the collection of old religious literature – old and ancient books with a rich history not only from entire Bulgaria, but also from the neighboring countries. After the death of Atakan his daughter donated one part of the books from the rich library of her father to Religious School – Momchilgrad.
Another part of the available books in the library named after Akif Atakan in the school in Momchilgrad, are donated from Regional Mufti’s Office – Kardzhali.
“Our school has also a modern library with contemporary literature, which is actively used by the students and the teachers in RS-Momchilgrad. But the aim of the newly established library, named after Akif Atakan, is to provide access to old, historical books, some of which are nearly 300 years old.” – further added the Director Ahmed Bozov, emphasizing that the resources of literature can be used not only by students and teachers from the school, but also from external readers.
Author: L. Chausheva