The Committee on Social Activities (CSA) at the Supreme Muslim Council (SMC) held its another working meeting, and for a first time host of the meeting was Regional Mufti’s Office – Smolyan.
The CSA meeting, which is the second consecutive one for 2020, was held on March 10 (Tuesday) and in it participated the Chairman of the Committee and a Deputy Grand Mufti Birali Myumyun Birali, who is in charge of the social activities of the Muslim Denomination, as well as the members Nedzhmi Dabov, Mesut Mehmedov, Mustafa Izbishtali and Aydan Mohamed, regional muftis respectively of Smolyan, Shumen, Sofia and Blagoevgrad. Guests of the working meeting were the representatives of the Regional Muslim Council – Smolyan.
“Before the beginning of the meeting the activities of “Social” Department of Grand Mufti’s Office were officially presented. And the format in which we had chosen to hold the meeting – an open, off-site meeting, inclined the dialogue and the exchange of useful ideas for the future activities of CSA” – said for Grandmufti.bg the expert from “Social” Department of Grand Mufti’s Office Dzhefer Isov.
“Among the decisions made during the meeting were to include ten more orphaned children for monthly financial assistance, and with this the current number of the supported children increases to 352. There were also discussed future activities during the holy for the Muslims month of Ramadan” – Isov further added.
Author: L. Chausheva