Rudozem hosted a religious workshop for women at the end of the year

A religious workshop for women was held between December 28, 2019 and January 2, 2020 in the base at the central mosque of the town of Rudozem. 30 women from settlements in the scope of the regional mufti’s offices of Smolyan, Pazadzhik and Blagoevgrad participated in it. The workshop was held under the auspices of Grand Mufti’s Office and the financial support came from private donors.

Speakers during the 6-day workshop were Myumine Sherifova – vaiz (preacher) at Regional Mufti’s Office – Smolyan, Hatidzha Parapanova – vaiz at Regional Mufti’s Office – Blagoevgrad, and Ayshe Amza – third-year student in the Higher Islamic Institute in Sofia. In the program also participated the guest-speakers Arif Abdullah – lecturer at HII and Chairman of the Research Center at it, the Regional Mufti of Smolyan Nedzhmi Dabov, as well as the two imams of the central mosque of the town of Rudozem Vahdi Delihusev and Ahmed Karafeizov.

“The lectures covered various topics related to woman and her role in Islam, in family and in society. There were also addressed issues related to bringing up children, as well as a number of topics on Fiqh, which were also related to woman.” – said for Hatidzha Parapanova from the organizational team of the workshop.

“Every evening during the 6-day workshop there was also entertaining program in which also participated “Vest” band” – further added Parapanova.

Author: L. Chausheva

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