Regional Mufti’s Office – Smolyan presented the second presentation on its activities to the residents of Smolyan municipality


Regional Mufti’s Office – presented the second presentation on its activities, this time to the residents of the Municipality of Smolyan. The presentation took place on December 16, 2019 in the Hall of the Planetarium in the town of Smolyan. Earlier on the Regional Mufti Nedzhmi Dabov announced that the mufti’s office launches a series of presentations which will be organized in the municipalities, the aim of which is to inform the society about the activities of the religious institution which has a history of more than 100 years.

Official guests of the event were the MP Hayri Sadakov, the Deputy Regional Governor of Smolyan District Vladimir Garbelov, the Head of “Statistical Surveys – Smolyan” Department Nikolai Slavov, the Chairman of Association “Young Researches for Youth Development” Valentin Kehayov, the administrative team of the Regional Mufti’s Office, representatives of the Muslim boards of trustees and imams from the municipality.

In his closing speech the Regional Mufti Nedzhmi Dabov focused on the good dialogue between the mufti’s office and the local authority in the persons of the municipal mayors, the executive authorities in the person of the regional governor, and through the MP he thanked the legislature. Besides this he said that building good communication between the religious and the state institutions will continue also in the future as well as strengthening of the inter-faith dialogue in the region.

The Deputy Regional Governor Vladimir Garbelov highlighted that this dialogue and understanding both between the institutions and between the religious communities, have to be preserved and further build also in the future, and the Regional Mufti’s Office can rely on cooperation of the Regional Administration in this regard.

At the end of the presentation the Regional Mufti thanked all participants for the shown interest, and on behalf of the Muslims in Smolyan he received a certificate for contribution to the development of the Muslim community.


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