More than 8 000 BGN raised Sarnitsa during the charity bazaar in the framework of “Orphans’ Week” 2019


At the initiative of the three Muslim boards of trustees and the Qur’an courses in the town of Sarnitsa on December 1 (Sunday) this year was organized a big charity bazaar in the town in the framework of the national campaign of Grand Mufti’s Office “Orphans’ Week” 2019. The bazaar was held with the great support of the Mayor of the Municipality of Sarnitsa Nebi Bozov and his entire team, who were as a kind of hosts of the event because the event took place in front of the building of the local government.

The preparation for the noble initiative, which takes place for a third consecutive year, but for a first time in such a large scale, began early on Sunday morning, and the bazaar itself started at 10:30 o’clock.

Among the official guests of the event was also the Regional Mufti of Pazardzhik Abdullah Salih, accompanied by Salih Onbashi – lecturer in Qur’an in the Higher Islamic Institute. In his address to all participants Abdullah Salih focused on the importance and the blessing of the donation. By giving some telling examples the Mufti of Pazardzhik also addressed the topic about how great is the reward of being a guardian of an orphan.

“The organization of the charity bazaar was at a very high level. Involved in the initative were also casual guests of the town, foreign tourists, who also joined the bazar and supported the cause by leaving donations in the boxes. As a whole it became a very beautiful event!” – commented for the website of Grand Mufti’s Office the Mufti of Pazardzhik Abdullah Salih.

The Mayor of the Municipality of Sarnitsa Nebi Bozov promised that the local government will support this noble initiative in the future as well.

“Like the great Ramadan iftar dinner in our town has become a tradition, on behalf of the Municipality of Sarnitsa I make the commitment this charity bazaar to become a tradition here, to support also in the future the cause of Grand Mufti’s Office for helping the most vulnerable group pf the society, the orphans.” – the Mayor Nebi Bozov said in his address to all residents of Sarnitsa. 

Prior the very beginning of the bazaar Salih Onbashi made a dua (supplication) with which the bazaar was officially opened.

“An active participation in carrying out the noble event on Sunday took all children from the town – those from the Qur’an courses, from the local school, as well as the children and the youths from the “Day-care center for disabled children and young people in Sarnitsa” – commented Fatima Tsineva from the organizational team of the charity event. According to her despite the sub- zero temperatures on Sunday, the children helped for the implementation of the initiative till the end.

“Everything which was prepared fore sale during the charity bazaar – food, sweets, souvenirs and handmade items, was sold out in just an hour and a half. The total raised amount during the charity initiative in Sarnitsa is 8020.00 BGN.” – Fatima Tsineva further added.

Author: L. Chausheva





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