BAGHIE established student scholarship in the name of the late Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Yalamov 

With a decision of the Management Board of the Bulgarian Association of the Graduates with Higher Islamic Education (BAGHIE) from November 02, 2019, a scholarship in the name of the late Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Yalamov, a long-time lecturer and a rector of the Higher Islamic Institute (HII), was established.

Assoc. Prof. Yalamov was a respected scholar in the field of history, culture, identity, religious thought and education of the Muslim-Turkish community in Bulgaria. The initiative was launched as a tribute to the memory of one activist of science and enlightenment, who had greatly contributed to the institutionalization and the development of the educational system of the Muslims in Bulgaria, as a result of his long-time research and teaching activities. Especially great are his merits for the development and the establishment of the only higher Islamic educational institution in our country – the Higher Islamic Institute.

“The scholarship is established in order to promote the educational and enlightenment activities among the Muslims and to support the process of preparing erudite researchers from the Muslim community in Bulgaria, focusing on the Islamic theology, in accordance with the objectives of BAGHIE.” – commented for from the management of BAGHIE.

The scholarship will be annual and will be granted to two students from the Higher Islamic Institute according to a procedure and rules which will be determined during the next meeting of the BAGHIE Management board.  

In connection with the support for the initiative BAGHIE organizes a charity campaign for raising funds for Fund “Scholarship in the name of Assoc. Prof. Ibrahim Yalamov”.

The management of the Association invites everyone who is interested to make a modest donation in support of this noble initiative and expresses gratitude in advance to everyone who will contribute to its implementation.


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