Regional Mufti’s Office – Razgrad held a meeting with imams and chairmen of Muslim boards of trustees

Regional Mufti’s Office – Razgrad held its monthly meeting with the imams and some of the chairmen of the Muslim boards of trustees from the region. It tok place on November 12 (Tuesday) in the conference hall of “Central” Hotel in the town of Razgrad.
Official guests of the meeting were the Deputy Grand Mufti of the Muslims in the Republic of Bulgaria Murat Pingov and the Regional Mufti of the town of Targovishte Nazif Rasimov.
The meeting began with recitation of verses from the Qur’an-i Kerim by Ibrahim Topuz, guest-imam from the Republic of Turkey.
The Regional Mufti of Razgrad Mehmed Alya welcomed all participants after which the imam of the town of Tsar Kaloyan Rezheb Kertik delivered a brief lecture related to the month of Rabi ul-Awwal and the life of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Then a lecture was delivered by the imam of the town of Zavet Sunay Zyulkyar. It was on the topic “Be a Guardian” and on the occasion of the upcoming Orphans’ Week, which will take place from November 25 to December 1, 2019.
The Regional Mufti of Targovishte Nazif Rasimov took part in the meeting with a lecture on “The Mission and the Vision of the Imam”. The meeting continued with discussions on current for this period of the year topics as well as important issues related to the work of the imams in Razgrad region.
“It was focused on the work of the imams during the last month, October, and the upcoming activities during the winter period – most of all holding religious talks in the local mosques. The question about the need of carrying our year-round Qur’an courses in the region and the benefits of this for the Muslim community was also addressed. The imams from Regional Mufti’s Office – Razgrad were invited to benefit from the opportunities for participation in the different training and retraining courses for imams, organized and held by the Muslim Denomination in our country.” – the management of the Regional Mufti’s Office in Razgrad said in connection with the held working meeting.
The Deputy Grand Mufti of the Muslims Murat Pingov took an active part in the meeting by sharing his opinion on the discussed issues and the administrative and religious activities of the Muslim Denomination.
The working meeting ended with a dua (supplication) made by Shakir Ahmedchikov – imam of the town of Razgrad.