Students from the South-West University participated in a workshop of Grand Mufti’s Office in Blagoevgrad

20 students and youths from the Muslim community, most of whom are studying in the South-West University, participated in a religious workshop. It was organized by grand Mufti’s office and took place within the period of November 8 – 10 (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) in the town of Blagoevgrad.
The program of the workshop included lectures in various topics, and speakers were muftis, imams and vaizes (preachers) from the regional mufti’s offices of Blagoevgrad and Pazardzhik, as well as representatives of “Irshad’ Department of Grand Mufti’s Office. The youths had the opportunity to hear something more on the topics about education as a priority among the Muslims, about the problems of the young people and the alternatives for solving them. Some of the lectures addressed entirely religious issues such as the place of trust and the levels of faith in person’s life. As future fathers the students were also introduced to the topic about upbringing children according to Islam.
The two-day workshop program was varied with a walk around the town and a movie night, followed by a discussion after the movie.
The held workshop for students is the second one organized by Grand Mufti’s Office in Blagoevgrad during the last month. At the end of October this year in almost the same format was held a workshop for students – girls who are also studying in the South-West University of Blagoevgrad.
Author: L. Chausheva