180 people in total took part in the 15th national workshop meeting of AGHIE

On November 1-3 this year in Reliigous School – Momchilgrad was held the national workshop meeting of the Graduates with Higher Islamic Education, and about 180 Muslims who graduated in the country and abroad participated in it.
The workshop was officially opened with Qur’an recitation, followed by a welcoming speech of the Grand Mufti of the Muslims in the Republic of Bulgaria Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi.
The program of the workshop included the following topics: “The Annual schedule of the imam”, presented by Muhammed Kamber, imam of the village of Lazhnitsa; “Role of women in the organization of successful Qur’an courses”, presented by Sabie Medarova, head of the annual Qur’an course in Gorno Kraishte; “Successful practices for Islamic work around the world”, presented by Hamdi Arslan.
The Chairman of the Supreme Muslim Council Vedat Ahmed payed a special attention to distinguished Bulgarian Muslims, who geined their popularity through religious call and upholding Islam. An important place in the program had the delivered report of the Regional Mufti of Sofia who shared the experience of the Muslims in the capital in the preservation and the development of their religious culture in the dynamic and constantly changing capital.
There were held three parallel meetings of the three religious schools, RS Ruse, RS “Nyuvvab” Shumen, and RS Momchilgrad, who presented to the audience what is the profile of the graduate of a secondary religious school and his career in the field of the call to Islam.
During the last day of the workshop was held a discussion “Challenges to the Muslim Denomination and the Islamic Work in Bulgaria” in which all participants had the opportunity to comment and discuss the problems and the ideas for the development of the Muslim Denomination.
This year’s meeting of the graduates with higher Islamic education was closed with a closing speech, guiding words and dua (supplication) for successful and fruitful work, from the Grand Mufti of Bulgaria Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi.