The imam of the mosque “Ahmed Bey” in Razgrad is the winner of the 1st National Competition in Hitabet


For a first time in the history of the Muslim Denomination in Bulgaria this autumn was held a National Competition in Hitabet (Oratory). It was organized by “Irshad” Department of Grand Mufti’s Office and was held in the framework of the national “Week of Imams and Mosques”, in the period between October 21 – 26, 2019. The first of its kind competition for imams in our country was held in two rounds – preliminary and basic, and the preliminary one was held in October 22 (Tuesday), 2019 in Momchilgrad, and the basic competition took place on October 23 (Wednesday) in Haskovo.

“For the competition in Hitabet enrolled 21 participants from different regional mufti’s offices in our country but due to unforeseen circumstances 18 of them managed to participate in the competition. They all had to deliver a Friday khutbah (sermon) on the topic “The Place of the Mosque in Muslim’s Daily Life”, where according to the rules of the competition they had the possibility to choose to preach in Bulgarian or in Turkish language.” – commented for the expert from “Irshad” Department of Grand Mufti’s Office and a Chairman of the organizational team of the competition Bahri Izet.

At the end of the preliminary round, which took place on October 22, ranked five finalists. They were Ali Sviryov – imam at Regional Mufti’s Office – Stara Zagora in the village of Koprinka, Shakir Ahmedchikov – imam at Regional Mufti’s Office – Razgrad in the mosque “Ahmed Bey” in Razgrad, Hyusein Kamber – imam at Regional Mufti’s Office – Smolyan in the village of Dolen, Mehmedemin Mehmedeminov – imam in Sofia and Azis Mehmed – imam at Regional Mufti’s Office – Pazardzhik. The five of them continued their participation in the basic round of the competition in Hitabet which took place on Wednesday, in the framework of the third, last meeting of the scientific forum “The Active Imam”.

The basic round of the competition was opened with a welcoming speech on behalf of the Grand Mufti Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi who focused on some key moments related to the hitabet (oratory).

“When a person speaks from his heart, his words touch the hearts. And when he speaks only with his mouth then these words do not reach the hearts of the people. It is a responsibility and an obligation of everyone who is called to be an imam, to try to speak from his heart.” – said the Grand Mufti to the audience of imams. He urged the imams in Bulgaria to try to deliver their sermons without trying to imitate someone, to speak only what they think and feel, to be themselves.

The spiritual leader of the Muslims in our country ended his welcoming address by expressing the hope the competition in Hitabet for imams to become a tradition for the Muslim Denomination.

After the address of Dr. Hadzhi the start of the basic competition in Hitabet was officially given.

The team of the jury with a Chairman Vedat Ahmed and memebrs Birali Birali and Beyhan Mehmed faced the extremely serious task to select the best three among all five finalists.

“The first edition of the National Competition in Hitabet was very exciting and passed with an extremely tight race between the participants. It was a great challenge for the jury to choose the five finalists among all 18 participants in the preliminary round and even a greater challenge was from the five, ranked for the final, to select the first three.” – commented also on the held first National Competition in Hitabet the expert from “Irshad” Department Bahri Izet.

At the end of the 1st National Competition in Hitabet Shakir Ahmedchikov ranked at first place, Hyusein Kamber at second place and Mehmedemin Mehmedeminov at third place.

On behalf of the Muslim Denomination both the three finalists and the jury received honorary plaques. The imams who ranked at the first three places received also cash prizes – respectively 300 BGN for first place, 200 BGN for second place, and 100 BGN for third place. Awards were also given on behalf of Regional Mufti’s Office – Haskovo, which was a gracious host of this first of its kind competitive event for imams, as well as on behalf of the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in our country.

After two days filled with a lot of meetings, discussion and shared experience between imams from all 20 regional mufti’s offices in our country, the scientific panel “The Active Imam” and the 1st National Competition in Hitabet were officially closed. For all participants will remain the accumulated emotions and the enriched experience and knowledge from which we hope will benefit the entire Muslim community in our country.

Author: L. Chausheva



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