The young Muslims from Varna demonstrated at a regional competition what they learnt during the summer Qur’an courses

Regional Competition in Basic Knowledge in Islam was held in Varna on August 29 (Thursday) this year. It was organized by Regional Mufti’s Office – Varna and took place in “Aziziye” mosque in the maritime capital.

In the competition for religious knowledge participated 32 children in total, representatives of 12 summer Qur’an courses in 11 settlements in the region of Varna. They were divided into two separate competitive groups according to their stage of advancement.

The young Muslims had the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learnt about the Islamic religion during the summer holiday and took a test, an oral exam, and they also demonstrated their practical religious knowledge. These were the three rounds that the regional competition included.

After the evaluation of the individual performance of each of the children in the different panels of the competition the team of the jury announced the results of the ranking. They were as follows:

Level 1

First place:

Dzhemile Hyusein from the summer Qur’an course in Ezerovo with a teacher Hatidzhe Shukri;

Second place:

Ener Shefket from the summer Qur’an course in Varna with a teacher Soner Shefka;

Third place:

Atche Halil from the summer Qur’an course in Medovets with a teacher Bekir Bekir;

Level 2

First place:

Yusef Uarakia from first group of the summer Qur’an course in Varna with a teacher Hatidzhe Shukri;

ISecond place:

Dzhevat Hasan from second group of the summer Qur'an course with a teacher Soner Shefka;

Third place:

Aliosman Hasan from the summer Qur’an course in Medovets with a teacher Bekir Bekir;

At the end of the competition the Regional Mufti of Varna Nuray Shukri personally greeted the winners for their dignified performance at the religious competition and gave them certificated and prizes.

Author: L. Chausheva





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