Many young people chose the organization of Grand Mufti’s Office to perform their Hajj this year

Many young people and young families chose the organization of “Hajj” Department at Grand Mufti’s Office in order to perform their pilgrimage to the Holy Places this year. This was observed by the organizational team of Hajj 2019 for

“A lot of young brothers and sisters, as well as young families are performing Hajj with Grand Mufti’s \office this year – people at the age between 18 and 30 years. And this makes us happy, of course. Alhamdulellah.” – shared Beyhan Mehmed, regional Mufti of Kardzhali and one of the ten leaders from Grand Mufti’s Office of the group of Hajj pilgrims to the Holy Lands. 

He told with excitement that one of the Hajj pilgrims in the group of Grand Mufti’s Office this year is Hyusein aga (Yusein Madanski) from the village of Chepintsi, Smolyan region. We recall that the old Muslim got the opportunity to perform Hajj for a first time in his life as a reward from good people for the good deed that he did – he built a bridge in his home village, relying only on his own efforts. Many Muslims from the country and abroad united in their wish to fulfil the only dream of the man and in less than ten days the necessary amount was raised, so that Hyusein aga could travel this year to the Holy Places with Grand Mufti’s Office.

From the organizational team of Hajj 2019 also share about another interesting case among the Hajj pilgrims this year.

“Another one from the Hajj pilgrims is nearly 40-year old Muslim brother, also from Smolyan region. He has never left our country, but he has been saving money for years in order to visit the Holy Lands – Makkah and Medina. So his first trip outside Bulgaria is exactly related to performing the pilgrimage of Hajj to the Holy Lands with the organization of Grand Mufti’s Office.” – shared with excitement the organizer and the leader of the Hajj pilgrims Beyhan Mehmed.

209 Hajj pilgrims in total chose the organization of the Muslim Denomination this year to perform the important act of worship – the pilgrimage of Hajj. Among them are Muslims from Bulgaria and our compatriots living in the Republic of Turkey. They all had a stay of 22 days in the holy city of Makkah, and at the present moment they are in the city of the Prophet (pbuh) Medina. They will stay there till the coming Tuesday – August 27, when will fly by plane to Turkey.

“It is expected that the Hajj pilgrims from Bulgaria will arrive at their home places in Bulgaria on August 28 (Wednesday)” – shared for the Head of Hajj Department Dzhemal Isa, who is also among the ten leaders of our Hajj pilgrims in Saudi Arabia.

Author: L. Chausheva

Photos: Yusuf Nizamoglu

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