Greeting address on behalf of the Grand Mufti on Eid al-Adha 2019



The Exalted Allah created the man in the best of stature, and along with this has shown him the path of happiness and spiritual enlightenment. Holidays are a good occasion for rethinking our mission in this world. Eid al-Adha is different than the other holidays because the sacrifice is an expression of gratitude to the Exalted Allah and following the path of His messengers. On this holiday Muslims praise the Exalted Allah and thank Him for the bestowed blessings. The expression of gratitude begins with the festive prayer and is complementary with the qurban (animal sacrifice) which is sacrificed, and the purpose of everything this is neither the meat, nor the pleasure, but the piety (fear of God)of the believers.

Qurban brings people closer, because it is a sacrificial animal which has a value both in this world and in the Hereafter. No one in this world lives alone, everyone needs the people near him, and sharing the qurban contributes to building bridges between people, regardless of their ethnicity and religion. In the Hereafter the qurban will be a ransom for anyone who had set aside from their resources to join the Muslim community on this day.

On behalf of myself and on behalf of the Muslim Denomination I would like to thank you for the active participation in the “Month of the Islamic Education” campaign. With your funds that you donated you support the Islamic education from the summer Qur’an courses to the imam-khatibs. May Allah accept your charity and worship.

In this sense let us try to be better to each other these days, to respect each other and to help each other. Let us not forget our parents and to support morally and financially anyone who needs help.

Happy Eid al-Adha! Kurban bayramınız mübarek olsun vesselamu aleykum ve rahmetullahi ve berakatuh


Respectfully yours,



Grand Mufti 



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