Regional Mufti's Office - Kardzhali held its July monthly meeting with the imams from the region

The regular meeting for July with the imams from the region of Kardzhali district was held on July 17, Wednesday, this year. It was organized by Regional Mufti's Office - Kardzhali and took place at the central mosque of the town of Kardzhali.


The working meeting was officially opened with recitation of verses from the Holy Qur'an by the guest-imam of Dzhebel Şemsettin Baş. The meeting was chaired by the host and a Regional Mufti Beyhan Mehmed, and was also attended by his deputies Erhan Redzheb and Nasuf Halil. Official guests of the working meeting were officers from "Irshad" Department of Grand Mufti’s Office, headed by the expert of the department Bahri Izet.


After opening the meeting the Regional Mufti informed the participants about the agenda of the meeting. Among the more important points in it, which gave rise to a lot of discussions among the participants, were the implementation of the summer Qur’an courses and the review of the results of the National Donation Campaign to Support the Islamic Education, which traditionally takes place every year during the month of Ramadan. The imams also discussed the ongoing campaign "Qurban 2019", as well as the results of the Hajj campaign of Grand Mufti’s Office. The participants did not remain inactive about the topics related to the organization of the traditional mass circumcision (sunnet) in Kardzhali. There were also addressed the ways to promote the education at Religious School - Momchilgrad and at the High Islamic Institute in the capital among the Muslim community and the students in the local summer Qur’an courses in the region.


The expert at "Irshad" Department of Grand Mufti’s Office Bahri Izet also commented on these important issues.


The meeting ended with dua (supplication) for health, prosperity and peace, made by the imam of the mosque in Kardzhali Metin Uluodzhak. 


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