Help for Yalchan Mushanov from Veliko Tarnovo


“And if there is a good deed, He multiplies it and gives from Himself a great reward.

 (The Holy Qur’an, chapter “An-Nisa”, verse 40)

Yalchan Miroslavov Mushanov is 17 years old, from Veliko Tarnovo. He is born with mental retardation – a test for his family with which it still manages to fight over all these years. The boy studies in a Special Educational Support Center but the family faced another bigger test connected with the health of Yalchan – kidney failure and the urgent need of hemodialysis.

Currently, the 17-year-old boy visits the Center for hemodialysis in Veliko Tarnovo three times a week, for four hours. Everything this is connected with a great fatigue, pain and malaise, which Yalchan cannot understand due to his condition.

However the family does not lose hope that there is a way out of the situation. It has undertaken the first steps to kidney transplantation in Turkey. They have even done the required examinations in order to proceed to the transplantation. Kidney donor for Yalchan will be his father Miroslav. The only thing that is not enough is the money for the operation.

On behalf of Regional Mufti’s office – Veliko Tarnovo and the Muslim Denomination of the Republic of Bulgaria we call upon everyone who wants to help Yalchan to continue living.

Money can be donated through the platform Help Karma Foundation where a campaign to help Yalchan Mushanov has already been launched.

More information you can see HERE.

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