Address of the Grand Mufti Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi

on the occasion of the beginning of the Holy Month of Ramadan


Dear Muslim brothers and sisters, dear compatriots,

There are no words to express the happiness of the Muslims who meet again the month of Ramadan. The happiness is expressed in a spiritual and in social aspect. With regard to the spirituality, it is well-known that Ramadan is greater than the other months of the year. Qur’an-i Kerim was revealed in Ramadan, the first victory over the paganism was in Ramadan and Kaaba was cleansed of idols, etc.

On the other hand Muslims experience festively this month although during the Ramadan days they abstain from food and drink. Along with this one can also see the unity of people which attaches a greater self-confidence and self-esteem in Muslims. This is the baraqah (blessing) and the grace of Ramadan.

Under normal circumstances one would not put himself to a test like fasting, but Ramadan is something different. During this month hunger and thirst pale in comparison to the striving to the mercy of the Almighty Allah. Perhaps the happiness in this month would not be complete if Muslims were not fasting, but here also comes the wisdom of Allah who instructed the Muslims to realize the meaning of life and their mission in this world, namely the goal is not food and drinks, but love towards all creatures and most of all towards all people.

The common iftar-dinners have become a tradition for the Muslims in Bulgaria. After fasting during the day and purifying, Muslims share their meals with relatives and friends, but together with them are eating also unknown people from other ethnicities and followers of other religions.

The night prayer is the culmination of the Ramadan day. Despite of the desire to rest the love to Allah is stronger and gives strength to the believers to stand before the Almighty Allah and to thank Him for the opportunity to experience His Generosity.

In this month we make dua (supplication) to Allah to protect all people, to bestow happiness on us and to guide the entire Bulgarian nation. May Allah accept the ibadah (worship) of everyone!

Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi – Grand Mufti of the Muslims in the Republic of Bulgaria


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