New bill in the 43rd NA for amendment of the Law on Religious Denominations
A new bill for amendment of the Law on Religious Denominations was submitted on 6th of February by the MPs Dimitar Dabov, Vasil Antonov, Manol Genov and Dimitar Dimitrov.
According to the motifs of the MPs the present legislation related to the cultural heritage regulates the preservation and the protection of the cultural heritage of the Republic of Bulgaria, including tangible real heritage as a bearer of historical memory, national identity and with scientific or cultural significance.
The proposed bill aims to create conditions for preservation, protection and development of the cultural heritage in the public interest, as well as equal access of the citizens to it. With the proposed amendment conditions for more effective implementation and application of the law and ensuring the social interest will be provided.
Attempts for amendments of the Law on Religious Denominations were made also in the previous National Assembly, but due to the wide public discontent the proposals were not accepted.
The new proposals directly affect the interests of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church (BOC) and the Grand Mufti’s Office (GMO), which claim the ownership of churches and mosques. If the proposal are adopted BOC and GMO will not have the legal basis to claim religious cult buildings (churches and mosques), and the central or the local authority will declare them museums, which are also their present claims.
According to the religious denominations the temples apropos have high cultural and historical significance, but there purpose is to serve God, and not to become museums and picture galleries. The usage of mosques and churches according to their purpose does not affect in any way their cultural and historical significance.
We present some photos of cult-religious temples (mosques) which are owned by the central or the local authorities and the way they are managed.
The full text of the bill can be found here: